1. Click here for Snow Route & Ice Street Closure information.
  2. The Planning Commission is 2/4/2025 at 6pm. Click here to view the agenda packet.

Author: Brandy Wallace

Pottery Pedestrian Improvement Project Update

Pottery Pedestrian Improvement Project update: We are pleased to report that the improvements to the road, sidewalk and pedestrian safety features on Pottery near Cedar Heights Middle School will be mostly completed this week with final paving occurring on Thursday and Friday. There will still be some continuing work for the next few weeks with … Continued

Splash Pad Open!

Just in time for the beautiful weekend weather, the the Splash pad is back in service and open to the public!

Bethel / Lincoln / Mitchell Road Closure and Detour to Commence

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 9, 2024 Bethel / Lincoln / Mitchell Road Closure and Detour to Commence Monday July 8th. Road closures and detours in place at intersections until further notice for scheduled roadwork.  PORT ORCHARD, WA – The intersection of Bethel Avenue & Lincoln Avenue and the intersection of Lincoln Avenue & Mitchell Road … Continued

NOTICE OF APPLICATION – Front yard variance for shed

CITY OF PORT ORCHARD NOTICE OF APPLICATION This is a public notice of a development proposal that may interest you. You have the right to comment on this application, receive notice, request a copy of the decision once made and appeal the project decision. Included in this notice is a summary of the proposal, code … Continued

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