1. Holiday on the Bay is Saturday, December 7th! Click here for more information.

Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway



Project Information

BSPP Overview


The City of Port Orchard is constructing a new 1.0 mile long multi-purpose path/trail, broken into 11 segments beginning at the downtown  Port Orchard ferry facility and ending at the Annapolis ferry facility. The completed multi-purpose trail will become a part of the Mosquito Fleet Trail.

This portion of the Mosquito Fleet Trail along Bay Street, also known as the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway, will be a significant segment of the off-road link in the Mosquito Fleet Trail, which eventually will connect Kingston to Southworth along the eastern shore of Kitsap County. It will also provide a much needed recreational facility within downtown Port Orchard, and a safe alternative transportation mode for its citizens and workforce. Users are expected to include lunchtime walkers, bicycle commuters, families with children, and recreational cyclists on both organized and independent tours. The trail is also likely to experience heavy multiple use during special events organized and hosted by the City of Port Orchard.

Proposed Pathway Section Update

proposed pathway section update

Curb and Rail Design

pathway curb and rail design


Current Project Status

The project is currently 95% design complete. The City is currently in the midst of the right-of-way phase for Segment 1 and Segments 6-11.  Upon completion of the right-of-way phase, the design will incorporate any needed modifications and will be 100% design complete.

Segments 2 through 5 of the pathway have been completed. Construction for Segment 1 and Segments 6 through 11 is anticipated for 2023.

Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway Documents

Bay Street Pedestrian Path Phase I


Segment 5

Pedestrian Bridge

Segment 4

Rockwell Park

On January 31, 2018, the city was awarded a grant from the Department of Commerce and Exceltech Engineering was selected to design this park.

The park has many amenities including ADA accessibility to the beach and ADA parking; terraced seat walls; picnic areas; viewing areas; and water access.

Picture of Rockwell Park and the Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway

Segment 3

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