City Clerk
City Clerk's Office
(360) 895-9029 (FAX)
216 Prospect Street
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Port Orchard, WA 98366
8:00am to 4:30pm
Monday through Friday
Closed all Washington State holidays
Monday through Friday
Closed all Washington State holidays
About the City Clerk Department
The City Clerk’s Office strives to present professional and courteous service to the public and elected officials. The City Clerk is a Certified Public Records Officer (CPRO), Risk Manager and Records Manager for the City, assistant to the Mayor, and is the Public Liaison Officer.
Responsibilities of the City Clerk's office include:
- Providing administrative duties to the Mayor and City Council
- Public Records Requests
- Claim for Damages
- Special events, cabaret, temporary vendor, and banner permitting
- Agenda packet development and distribution
- Transcribing minutes of regular and special City Council meetings
- Manages the City's website and social media accounts
- City Hall facility rentals (not available during reconstruction of City Hall)
- Maintains official City documents
Please contact Brandy Wallace, MMC, City Clerk, should you have any questions:
Telephone: (360) 876-7030
Email: bwallace@portorchardwa.gov