Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.

Notice of a Quorum/Special Meeting

NovNovember 16 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                  CONTACT: City Clerk’s Office

November 13, 2023                                                                                               (360) 876-4407


Notice of a Quorum/Special Meeting


PORT ORCHARD, WA – Notice is hereby given that three or more members of the Port Orchard City Council will be attending the below meeting. This meeting and quorum is being noticed in accordance with RCW 42.30.080 ‘Special Meetings’.

 DATE:              Thursday, November 16, 2023

 TIME:               Legislative Orientation – 5pm to 6pm

Legislative Reception – 6pm to 8pm

 LOCATION:     Gold Mountain Golf Club, 7263 W Belfair Valley Road, Bremerton, WA 98312

BUSINESS BEING CONDUCTED:  Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council’s annual Legislative Reception https://www.kitsapregionalcouncil.org/calendar/2023/11/16/legislative-orientation-and-reception


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