Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.

Public Hearing: Contour Apartments Rezone

JanJanuary 27 2021


Notice of Public Hearing

This is a public notice that the City of Port Orchard will conduct a public hearing before the City’s Hearing Examiner on January 27, 2021 at 10:00AM on the following project:

File Name: Contour Apartments Rezone

File Number: LU20-REZONE-01

Application Type: Site-Specific Rezone (Type IV)

Applicant: Contour Capital LLC, James Upchurch, 3206 Horsehead Bay Dr. NW, Gig Harbor WA 98335

Date of Application: July 8, 2020

Date of Complete Application: August 3, 2020

Site Description: Location: Unaddressed. Generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of the unopened right-of-way of Harold Drive SE and SE Lund Avenue, Port Orchard, WA. APN: 4625-000-009-0206Assessor Parcel Number: 4625-000-009-0206

Description of Proposal: The proposal consists of a site-specific rezone of the subject property from Residential 2 (R2) to Residential 3 (R3).

SEPA Threshold Determination: The City of Port Orchard issued a Determination of Non- Significance for the proposal on November 3, 2020, consistent with WAC 197-11.

Required Permits: The following local, state, and federal permits/approvals are needed for the proposed project: Land Disturbing Activity Permit, Storm Drainage Permit, Capacity Reservation Certificate for water, sewer and transportation, Building Permits

Applicable Code(s): Port Orchard Municipal Code Title 20, WAC 197-11 SEPA Rules.

THIS PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD UTILIZING REMOTE MEETING TECHNOLOGY ON/AT:  January 27, 2021 at 10:00 AM. To participate in this hearing, please email the City at jfisk@portorchardwa.gov to receive further instructions. To participate in this hearing, you may either call 1-253-215-8782 or please join via zoom at the address below:


Meeting ID: 841 9506 7302

Passcode: 579114

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,84195067302# US (Tacoma)

+13462487799,,84195067302# US (Houston)

In addition to providing live comments at the hearing, written comments may be submitted (by mail or email) on this application prior to the hearing at the above email and such comments are given the same weight as public testimony.

Review of Documents: A copy of the record, including the application and supporting documents, are available for inspection by the public at no cost. A copy of the staff report will be available for inspection at no cost at least five (5) working days prior to the hearing. Copies will be provided at the requestor’s cost.  The file may be examined electronically upon request. To request an electronic link to the file please contact Jackie Krukoff at 360.874.5533 and indicate the Permit Number and Project Number for the file you would like to examine.

Comment Period: Any person may appear electronically and provide public testimony or submit written comment until the close of record by the Hearing Examiner.

Submit Written Comments by January 18, 2021 at 4:00 PM To:

Permit Center, Reference: Contour Apartments Rezone

By Phone: (360) 874-5533

By Mail: 216 Prospect St, Port Orchard, WA  98366

In Person: 720 Prospect St, Port Orchard, WA  98366

By E-mail: permitcenter@portorchardwa.gov

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