1. Blood Drive at City Hall! April 2, 2025.
  2. Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.
  3. City Council is meeting 3/25/2025 at 6:30pm. Visit the City Council/Advisory Meeting Documents page to view the agenda packet.

NOTICE OF APPLICATION – Front yard variance for shed

Posted on January 4, 2024


This is a public notice of a development proposal that may interest you. You have the right to comment on this application, receive notice, request a copy of the decision once made and appeal the project decision. Included in this notice is a summary of the proposal, code reference for associated permits that may be required, and the targeted timeframe for City review and decision.

Please be aware there are deadlines for comments and appeal; if you do not adhere to these deadlines, your comments may not be considered and/or you may lose your right of appeal.

Please read this notice carefully and call the Staff Contact listed in this notice if you have questions.

Date of Issuance: January 4, 2024. File Number: LU23-VAR-01, LU23-SH EXEMPT-10.

Project Name: Front yard variance for shed. Type of Application: Variance (Type III) Assessor Parcel Number: 272401-4-024-2000. Applicant: Catherine Bollinger.

Date of Application: November 13, 2023. Date Application was Determined Technically Complete: December 11, 2023.

Location: 792 SW Bay Street. Description of Proposed Project:

Reduce the front yard setback for an accessory shed from 40’ to 0’. Comment Period and Appeals: Any interested person may comment on this application. The comment period will remain open for 14 days.

The deadline to submit comments is January 18, 2024.

Any interested person may request notification of any hearings or meetings and request a copy of the decision once made. Requests must be addressed to City of Port Orchard Permit Center, Attn: Planning Clerk, 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA  98366. Any interested party may appeal the decision to the City Council within 14 calendar days of the Notice of Decision. The Notice of Decision will be provided to all parties of record. The application file may be examined at the Permit Center, 720 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA  98366, by appointment between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays.

To schedule an appointment please call 360-874-5533 and indicate the Permit Number and Project Name for the file you would like to examine.


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