1. Click here for Snow Route & Ice Street Closure information.
  2. The Planning Commission is 2/4/2025 at 6pm. Click here to view the agenda packet.

Stormwater FAQ’s

Stormwater specialists from local governments are working with businesses to help stop harmful materials and chemicals from entering waterwaysBusinesses are required to take actions to prevent sources of water pollution.  This improves the water quality of our streams, lakes, and Puget Sound.  Source control is mandated by the federal Clean Water Act and will be managed through an inspection program that helps businesses learn how they can prevent water pollution. 

What is stormwater? 

When it rains or snows, water flows over hard surfaces such as roofs, streets, sidewalks. As the runoff travels to storm drains, ditches and pipes, it picks up pollutants along the way from metals, gasoline, sediment, pathogens and nutrients. Surface and stormwater runoff is the leading transporter of pollution into Puget Sound and our local creeks and streams. 

What is source control?   

Source control is the process of finding potential sources of pollution, then stopping or reducing them before they reach the nearest body of water. These pollutants can be prevented from entering stormwater by implementing Best Management Practices (called BMPs for short). Source control includes a variety of actions, such as site investigation and cleanup, business inspections, controlling stormwater runoff and sewage overflows, coordination among agencies, and public education and outreach.

What businesses are going to be visited by stormwater staff? 

All pollution generating businesses operating within Port Orchard (as well as unincorporated Kitsap County and the cities of Bainbridge Island, Bremerton, Port Orchard and Poulsbo) are required to comply with the business pollution prevention program, laws and regulations. Examples of businesses that are required to implement BMPs include but are not limited to: 

  • Automotive body work and repair 
  • Mobile businesses 
  • Gas stations 
  • Restaurants and catering businesses 
  • Dry cleaners 
  • Grocery stores 
  • Businesses with fleet vehicles 

What are source control BMPs? 

Source control means the control of pollutants from entering storm and surface water. A business is considered the potential “source” of pollutants. 

Source control Best Management Practices (BMPs) are actions you can take in your business to help prevent or reduce pollutants from entering the stormwater system and polluting surface or ground water.  

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