FAQ Topic: 2024 Comp Plan Periodic Update
No. The Comprehensive Plan is a framework for what land uses are allowed where. A zoning code regulates development, such as rules about height and setbacks. Per State Law, a zoning code must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The zoning code and other development regulations will be updated as a part of the process … Continued
The Port Orchard Comprehensive Plan assigns land use and zoning designations for every parcel within the City. Land Use designations provide guidance on the use of land, whether for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, or institutional purposes. The City must maintain a certain amount of residential and commercial growth capacity in certain areas of the City. … Continued
A Comprehensive Plan is broken up into different elements. Each element has its own goals and policies. The entire Comprehensive Plan will be reviewed and updated with review to include the following elements or chapters: Land Use Housing Parks Natural Systems Climate Economic Development Utilities Transportation Capital Facilities In addition, Port Orchard will have various … Continued
With guidance from the Growth Management Act (GMA), Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC), and the Department of Commerce, the Plan is required to meet a variety of different requirements. City Staff will engage the community to develop a vision based on community goals and state and regional requirements. A draft … Continued
Every community needs a vision. Historically, growth in Washington State has led to issues of urban sprawl, loss of farmland, natural resource degradation, and uncoordinated capital facilities. In 1990, the Growth Management Act was passed, which required us to plan for the future. The Plan will guide where housing and business growth should occur, how … Continued
The Comprehensive Plan is the 20-year framework for local policy, planning, and capital facility investment through the year 2044. This plan is used as a guide for the City by establishing vision statements, goals, objectives, policies, and implementing actions. This framework is intended to guide the day-to-day decisions of elected officials and City staff. Washington … Continued