How do we get a ‘Children at Play’ sign for the street?
The City does not allow “Children at Play” signs in the right of way. If a neighborhood wants a specialized sign to alert the drivers, one can be designed, but the citizen has to pay for it.
The City does not allow “Children at Play” signs in the right of way. If a neighborhood wants a specialized sign to alert the drivers, one can be designed, but the citizen has to pay for it.
Online: Street Light Problem Email: Phone: (425) 456-2496
The City can install speed humps on public roads that have less than 750 cars per day and are requested by the neighborhoods. To get the process started, the neighbors need to send a written request to Attention:Public Works Department at 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366.
Online: Street Light Problem Email: Phone: (425) 456-2496
The City overlays streets based on the available budget and the condition of the street. For minor street repairs, such as potholes, call the City Public Works Department at (360) 876-4991 and notify the office staff that there is a pothole that needs repair. That information will be forwarded to the Public Works crew. The City … Continued