1. Blood Drive at City Hall! April 2, 2025.
  2. Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.

UB Frequently Asked Questions

The city has a low-income program. Low-Income-document-for-website-revised.pdf (storage.googleapis.com)

The city does in some circumstances offer a payment plan. Click here to fill out the application New Submission (portorchardwa.gov)

The city offers monthly “budget billing” that can help smooth out billing demands. Rather than paying a varying amount every other month participants pay a set budgeted amount each month that is re-adjusted each December. Call for details.

Low Flow Toilet Rebate Program.

Residents who take advantage of the program can receive a cash rebate of up to $100 on the installation of a low flow toilet. The program lowers the water usage rate which translates into lower utility charges. More information is found on our website or contact utility billing for additional program information.

Outside Resources 

Kitsap Community Resources offers various assistance programs, for more information call 360-473-2035Utility Assistance – KCR

St. Vincent De Paul and various churches in the area also helps with utility bills.

The city offers annually up to a $100.00 leak credit when a water line break or leak causes excess water usage. Information on finding a leak. Follow the link for leak credit applications.

The storm drainage assessment is a flat rate everyone in the city limits pays that is not included in their property taxes in compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act. The city maintains an extensive storm drain system. The maintenance cost for this system is shared by each City residence and business.



I bought a home.

I sold a home and want to discontinue service.

I am a new tenant or have a new tenant in my home. The account will stay in the owner’s name as they are ultimately responsible for the billing, but we can provide a duplicate copy to a tenant. Please email or call utility billing to set up service utilitybilling@portorchardwa.gov  360-876-5139.

The City of Port Orchard currently provides a number of ways that make paying your water/sewer/storm bill convenient and easier for the customers to manage.

The city accepts VISA or MasterCard credit cards over the telephone 1-877-822-8415 or in person at City Hall. For utility customers there is no processing or credit card convenience fee.

Customers can set up an account and enroll in the city’s automatic payment program. Payments from your checking account or credit card will be automatically deducted on the 10th of the payment due month.

Our online Quick Pay option allows customers to quickly make full or partial payments at the best time of the day for them.

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