Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.

Video Library

FIFA Fan Zone Announcement (video coming soon)

Engaging Kitsap with Mayor Putaansuu

In the latest episode of Bremerton Kitsap Access Television's (BKAT) video series 'Engaging Kitsap' Port Orchard Mayor Rob Putaansuu shares updates on the Port Orchard Community Events Center and other big projects that will help transform our city.

Pottery Sewerage Lift Station

Tremont Street Widening Project: APWA Project of the Year

APWA Project of the Year Award for the Tremont Street Widening Project.  Starts at 29:20 in the video.

Deputy Chief Main and Matt Murphy, Executive Director of Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce

Deputy Chief Main meets with Matt Murphy, the Executive Director of the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce. DC Main shares her experiences at the police department and her inspiring rise into her new role. She also discusses her thoughts on leadership and the current direction of the police department.

Chief Brown and Tracy Flood, President of the NAACP Bremerton Unit 1134

Chief Brown sits down with Tracy Flood, President of the NAACP Bremerton Unit 1134. They discuss the department’s approach to training, community engagement, and long-term goals for the agency’s success.

Mayor Putaansuu Discusses City Surveys Seeking Public Input

Take these brief surveys to help shape the future of Port Orchard. Your input is requested to provide feedback on the City's extended Parks Plan and long range Downtown Subarea Redevelopment Plan that covers land use for recreation zones, residential housing, parking and commercial business planning from the waterfront up the hill to the courthouse and county facilities. It's your chance to comment on what you want our city to become over the next two decades.

The more input, the better for all. Please share this post with your friends and neighbors to ensure that our local government hears and understands all opinions. Thanks for participating.

Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan Survey


Downtown Subarea Redevelopment Plan Survey


Message from Mayor Putaansuu Regarding Phase 2 Reopening for the City of Port Orchard

Join Us in Port Orchard

Port Orchard A Great Place to Live

Come Join Us - Visit Port Orchard

Q13 video 'It's truly the gateway': Tremont Street project transforms Port Orchard

2020 Census – Neighborhood Address Canvassing

Destination Port Orchard. A great place to Work, Live, and Play!

Port Orchard Marina. Your boating center of the Puget Sound.

What's New, Port Orchard?

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