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Documents Public Notice Notice of Application SEPA DNS Submittals Building Plans Civil Plans Landscape Plan Lighting Plan Decision Notice of Decision Approved Documents

  Presented during the October 11, 2022, City Council Meeting.   Presented during the July 12, 2022, City Council Meeting. Presentation to the City Council during the July 26, 2022, City Council Meeting. Chief Brown shares information about the department, recent successes, and plans for the future. Facilitated by Jewel Shepherd Sampson, the Chief also...

Documents Plan Cover Memo Final Draft WRE Plan Compendium Introduction Plan Template Overview Slides (ppt format) WRIA 15 Committee Brochure Final NEB Guidance Streamflow Restoration Policy Interpretive Statement

A group of community members and local businesses had a dream for the downtown areas of Port Orchard. They put their heads together and decided to make some amazing things happen! Imagine Port Orchard is a movement. It's an idea that anything we can imagine, we can make possible if we work together as a...

The City of Port Orchard works closely with other agencies in our community to prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters, natural or man-made. The City is in the process of updating our comprehensive plan for repair and recovery in the event of a disaster of any kind. We all must work together to...

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