Bethel Subarea Plans

Bethel/Lund and Sedgwick/Bethel Subarea Plans

As part of the City’s required 2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update, the City of Port Orchard is working on two subarea plans for the areas located near the intersections of SE Sedgwick Road and Bethel Road SE, and the other near the intersection of Bethel Road SE and SE Lund Avenue.

Both subareas are proposed to be thriving and attractive walkable neighborhoods with easy access to goods and services, a variety of housing types, and convenient access to employment via Kitsap Transit and its proximity to SR-16 and SR-160. Residents will be able to walk and bicycle to the neighborhood grocery store, restaurants, and businesses providing other goods and services.  The Bethel central business district will consist of walkable shopfronts along Bethel Road SE.  Natural environmental features and park and recreation amenities along Bethel and Blackjack Creek, along with this central business district, will form the heart of the neighborhoods.

Community Engagement Summary: Open House and Online Survey

On July 29, 2024, the City, along with project partners AHBL and MAKERS, hosted an in-person open house at the Kitsap Regional Library's Port Orchard branch. To ensure broad community participation, an online survey through Social Pinpoint was also made available during the same period and remained open until August 12, 2024. This approach allowed residents who were unable to attend the open house to provide their feedback on key project topics.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Bethel-Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel Existing Conditions Report:
    • Community members reviewed preliminary findings on neighborhood assets and challenges. They were invited to confirm these findings and provide additional input on community priorities.
  • Bethel-Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel Land Use Alternatives:
    • Participants had the opportunity to vote for their preferred land use alternative or offer feedback on specific elements to be included in the final concept.

Next Steps for Public Engagement

The City of Port Orchard is committed to ensuring the community remains actively involved in shaping the future of the Bethel-Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel subareas. As part of this ongoing engagement, we have posted several important documents related to the Subareas for public review, including:

  • Public Engagement Summary: A detailed overview of community feedback collected from the July 29th open house and the online survey.
  • Draft Subarea Plans for Bethel-Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel: Initial planning documents outlining proposed changes and development options for each subarea. Each of the draft plans is provided via a link under their respective Subarea descriptions.
  • Existing and Proposed Zoning Maps: Visual representations of current zoning and suggested modifications for the Bethel-Lund and Sedgwick-Bethel areas. Each of the draft Zoning maps are provided via a link under their respective Subarea descriptions.
  • Proposed Height Overlay District Maps: Maps illustrating proposed height restrictions or allowances for buildings in each subarea. Each of the draft Height Overlay District maps are provided via a link under their respective Subarea descriptions.
  • Preferred Alternatives Matrix: A summary reflecting the community's preferences, which is based on feedback from the July 29th workshop and ongoing online engagement through Social Pinpoint. The Preferred Alternatives Matrix incorporates elements from three potential development strategies. The Matrix represents a balanced combination of these alternatives, tailored to align with community input and priorities:
    • Alternative 1 – Status Quo: Retaining the current zoning and development patterns.
    • Alternative 2 – Compact Development: Encouraging more dense, mixed-use developments.
    • Alternative 3 – Transit-Oriented Development: Focusing on development that supports public transit options.

We encourage you to review the Preferred Alternatives Matrix and the draft documents linked below and provide comment via e-mail to through September 17, 2024. Your input is valuable to the planning process as we move toward a final version to be adopted with the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update later this year.


The boundaries of the Bethel/Lund Subarea are illustrated in the graphic below but are generally described as the northerly boundary at SE Lundberg Road, the easterly boundary is the City of Port Orchard corporate limit, the southerly is located at SE Salmonberry Road, and the westerly boundary is generally located at Blackjack Creek.

The Bethel/Lund Subarea is approximately 211 acres in land area, and contains areas zoned for residential, commercial, mixed-use (commercial and residential), and greenbelt uses. Currently, the subarea contains 665 residents in259 housing units made up of 85 apartments and 174 houses and provides approximately 988 jobs within the commercially zoned areas.

At buildout, it is estimated that the subarea will contain approximately 1,957 residents and 1,115 jobs. The draft plan includes the current and proposed status of the Bethel/Lund subarea, and the proposed zoning and regulatory requirements for the subarea plan.

Bethel/Lund Subarea Draft Plan

Bethel/Lund Subarea Current and Proposed Zoning Maps

Bethel/Lund Subarea Proposed Height Overlay District

Bethel Area Appendices


The boundaries of the Sedgwick/Bethel Subarea are illustrated in the graphic below but are generally described as the northerly boundary at SE Salmonberry Road, the easterly boundary is the City of Port Orchard corporate limit, the southerly is located generally along the southerly corporate limit, and the westerly boundary is generally located at Blackjack Creek.

The Sedgwick/Bethel Subarea is approximately 235 acres in land area, and contains areas zoned for residential, commercial, mixed-use (commercial and residential), and greenbelt uses. Currently, the subarea contains 716 residents in 292 housing units comprised of 136 apartments and 156 houses and provides 619 jobs within commercially zoned areas.

At buildout, it is estimated that the subarea will contain approximately 3,817 residents and 1,037 jobs. The draft plan includes the current and proposed status of the Sedgwick/Bethel subarea, and the proposed zoning and regulatory requirements for the subarea plan.

Sedgwick/Bethel Subarea Draft Plan

Sedgwick/Bethel Subarea Current and Proposed Zoning Maps

Sedgwick/Bethel Subarea Proposed Height Overlay District Map

Bethel Area Appendices


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