1. Blood Drive at City Hall! April 2, 2025.
  2. Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.

Critical Areas Code Update

Critical Areas Ordinance Update

Welcome to the City of Port Orchard's webpage dedicated to the ongoing update of the Critical Areas Code (CAC), which will amend Port Orchard Municipal Code (POMC) 20.162. This webpage has been created to keep the public updated on proposed revisions to the CAC and to provide information on the code update process.

Overview of the Proposed Updates

The Critical Areas Code Update is a comprehensive effort to align the City’s regulations with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and incorporate Best Available Science (BAS) to protect critical areas within the city. These updates aim to:

  • Meet Growth Management Act Requirements:
    • Under RCW 36.70A.060(2), the GMA mandates that local governments adopt regulations to protect critical areas, including wetlands, aquifer recharge zones, frequently flooded areas, geologically hazardous areas, and fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas.
    • Updates to these regulations are required periodically per RCW 36.70A.130(5).
  • Integrate Best Available Science (BAS):
    • BAS is developed using rigorous scientific methods to ensure policies and regulations effectively protect the ecological functions and values of critical areas. The City relies on BAS guidance as provided by state agencies in its update.
  • Protect Critical Areas:
    • The GMA highlights the need to protect both ecological processes and public health and safety. For example:
      • Wetlands and fish and wildlife habitats are protected for their ecological functions and values and can assist in detaining water during rain events.
      • Geologically hazardous areas and flood-prone areas are managed to safeguard public health and safety.
      • Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas ensure that aquifers are protected and preserved for future generations.
  • Foster a Balanced Approach to Growth:
    • The updates aim to maintain ecological integrity while supporting responsible development, ensuring a sustainable and safe community.

Public Involvement

The City of Port Orchard encourages public participation in this important process. Opportunities for engagement include:

  • Public Comment:
    Share your feedback on the proposed amendments by emailing planning@portorchardwa.gov.
  • Planning Commission Meetings:
    Regularly scheduled Planning Commission meetings in early 2025 will include public review of the proposed amendments.
  • Public Hearing:
    A public hearing will be scheduled before the Planning Commission. Following the hearing, the Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council, which will consider the proposed ordinance for final approval.

Stay Updated

This webpage will be updated with drafts of the proposed amendments, meeting schedules, and additional resources as they become available. Thank you for your participation in protecting Port Orchard’s critical areas while supporting responsible growth.

For questions, please contact the Department of Community Development at planning@portorchardwa.gov or call 360-874-5533.


Critical Areas Code – Planning Commission December 3, 2024


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