Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

How do I pay my fines over the phone, online, in person, or by mail?

By Mail:  (Check or Money Order only)

  • Make check or money order payable to “POMC”.
  • Include case number on check or money order.
  • Mail payment to Port Orchard Municipal Court at 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366, or
  • Use Drop Box located at 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard City Hall – place payment in envelope addressed to “Municipal Court”.

In Person: (Cash, Check, Money Order or Debit/Credit Card)

  • Court Office is located at Port Orchard City Hall, 216 Prospect, 3rd Floor
  • Office hours – Monday through Friday, 8 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4:30 pm

By Phone or Internet (Credit/Debit Card)


  • Call Paymentus at: 1-855-288-2345, or

NOTE:  When entering case number – enter 1 digit at a time and then listen to instruction, follow instruction, and then enter next digit.

$2.95 for Parking Ticket for each payment of $100 or less or

$4.95 for Court Fines for each payment of $500 or less

NOTE:  You will need your case number to pay via credit/debit card – Your case number is on your citation, payment plan, or collection notice.

Payment Plan

If you need more than 60 days to pay our court fine, you can apply to Court Payment Management Services (CPMS) for time payment assistance.

CPMS – Information Packet

CPMS call to apply 360-748-4784   or 877-748-4936

How do I obtain copies of my records?

Come in personally or request copies by email at court@portorchardwa.gov. There will be a charge for copies if mailed.

How do I quash a bench warrant?

Come to the Port Orchard Municipal Court in person located at 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366. Go to the 3rd floor and request a hearing to quash your warrant or call 360-876-1701 for instructions. We are open Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:30pm.

Can I reschedule my arraignment?

No, you cannot reschedule an arraignment hearing.  Your appearance is mandatory at an arraignment.  If you fail to appear, a bench warrant may be issued for your arrest.

When is the Court open for business?

The Court office hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm, except for holidays.

No Contact Orders

There is a No Contact Order against my husband/boyfriend/wife/girlfriend, etc. How do I get that dropped?

The first step in modifying or rescinding a DV No Contact Order to to have a one-time screening with YWCA Alive. Their contact number is 1-360-479-0491.


How long do I have to take care of my ticket?

You have thirty calendar days to respond to the court, which includes weekends and holidays. Within those thirty days, you may pay your fine, request a hearing (mitigation or contested), or request a  pay plan. If you mail in your response, the postmark MUST be within the thirty day window.  You may also submit your request via email to court@portorchardwa.gov.

I can’t make my hearing date. What do I do?

Your infraction hearing can be rescheduled once, but only if you contact the court at 1-360-876-1701 PRIOR to your hearing date or via email: court@portorchardwa.gov. If you miss your hearing date, it cannot be rescheduled.

What if I can’t pay my traffic fine right away?

Before the thirty calendar days have expired, you can request a payment plan by calling our office at 360-876-1701 or sending in a written request to the court via email: court@portorchardwa.gov or through the mail.

I forgot to hang up my handicap placard and got a ticket. What do I do?

There are three types of handicap citations that can be issued:

  1. Parking in the access aisle. You are not permitted to park in the striped areas around a handicap parking space. That area is reserved to provide room to get a wheelchair or other mobility device in and out of the vehicle. No vehicle is permitted to park anywhere within the stripes. If you were cited for that, you must request a hearing, request a pay plan, or pay the fine.
  2. Unauthorized use of placard. The only person permitted to use the placard are the persons to whom the placard was issued or the driver of that person. The handicapped person MUST be present to legally use the parking space. You may NOT use the parking space if you are running an errand for that person. If you were cited for that, you must request a hearing, request a pay plan, or pay the fine.
  3. Parking in a handicap space without displaying the placard. If you simply forgot to display your placard, or if the placard fell out of view, etc., you may have the citation dismissed. Appear at 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 and show the court the placard and ID of the placard holder with your ticket and we will dismiss the citation at no charge to you. You may also submit these copies via online at: court@portorchardwa.gov. This option does NOT apply if you were cited for 1 or 2 listed above.

I just received a delinquent notice on a parking ticket but I sold the vehicle before the parking ticket was issued. What do I do?

File a Department of Licensing Report of Sale with the court immediately.  Be sure to include either the parking ticket number or vehicle license number when submitting paperwork for a parking ticket. You can mail the report of sale to the court at 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366, deliver it in person to our office, or email it to court@portorchardwa.gov.




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