1. Blood Drive at City Hall! April 2, 2025.
  2. Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.

Final Housing Action Plan - Adopted June 2023

The City of Port Orchard has created a Housing Action Plan (HAP) to identify strategies, actions, and policy tools to create enough housing options to meet community needs. Port Orchard received a grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce to develop this HAP to address current and future housing needs. A HAP is a policy document with a set of concrete steps for the City to support and encourage new housing production that meets local housing needs. The HAP uses an equity lens to develop clear, actionable strategies to meet current and future housing needs.

After months of background research, community outreach, and engagement with elected officials and stakeholders, the City Council on June 13, 2023 passed Resolution 058-23, accepting the HAP. Over the next few years, the City will begin developing code changes based on the Housing Action Plan recommendations.  Many of the recommendations found in the HAP will be considered for adoption.  The final Housing Action Plan is linked below.

Final Port Orchard Housing Action Plan

Please see below for documents, background, and information on the development of the HAP.

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