City facilities will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day.

Master Multi-Vendor Event License

Vendor Information

POMC 5.96, if your event has two or more vendors engaged in public property vending, you are required to have a Master Multi-Vendor Event License (MMVEL). The MMVEL fee is $15.00 per day or $200 per month. POMC 5.96.020(3)(a) states the sponsor of the master event shall provide a list of participating vendors, their business names, their addresses and their State Tax Revenue Identification Numbers to the city clerk within three working days after the first day of the operation.

  • No public vending is allowed within twenty-five (25) feet of any municipal building, monument, or fountain, OR within ten (10) feet of intersection sidewalks.
  • Vending devices must be removed from vending sites daily between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
  • Vending devices and vending sites must always be clean and orderly. The vendor must furnish a suitable refuse container and is responsible for the daily disposal of refuse deposited therein. Refuse containers must be removed each day along with vending devices.
  • Vendors may engage in public property vending only in the location specified in the public property license. The location shall be deemed the vending site.
  • Utility service connections are not permitted, except electrical when provided with written permission from the adjacent property owner. Electrical lines are not allowed overhead or lying in the pedestrian portion of the sidewalk.
  • No mechanical audio or noisemaking devices are allowed, and no hawking is allowed.
  • A vinyl or canvas umbrella may be added to the vending device, but its open diameter may not exceed eight and one-half feet. Any part of the umbrella must have a minimum of seven feet of vertical clearance to the area on which the vending device stands.
  • Individual vendor advertising signs may be placed only upon the vending device. Temporary master event advertising signs may be placed as approved by the city engineer; and
  • No conduct shall be permitted which violates any other section of the Port Orchard Municipal Code.
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