1. Blood Drive at City Hall! April 2, 2025.
  2. Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.
  3. City Council is meeting 3/25/2025 at 6:30pm. Visit the City Council/Advisory Meeting Documents page to view the agenda packet.

Use of City Streets and/or Highways

CITY PROPERTY/STREETS (Right-of-way): Port Orchard Municipal Code 5.94.020(7) states Right-of-way (ROW)” means any road, public parking lot, city street, highway, boulevard or place in the city open as a matter of right to public travel and shall include arterials, neighborhood streets, alleys, bicycle paths and pedestrian ways; including streets or portions thereof which are designated as portions of the state highway system.”

STATE HIGHWAY CLOSURES: the sponsoring organization must submit the application to the city at least 120 calendar days before the event date. Upon city approval of the event, the sponsoring organization shall seek permission from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) by completing an online application. Once permission is granted from WSDOT, a copy of the Letter of Acknowledgment or an Agreement will need to be provided to the city 45 days prior to the event. WSDOT’s online application is located at: https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/contact/events/special-events

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