1. Blood Drive at City Hall! April 2, 2025.
  2. Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.
  3. City Council is meeting 3/25/2025 at 6:30pm. Visit the City Council/Advisory Meeting Documents page to view the agenda packet.

Police Department and Complaints

The Port Orchard Police Department strives to promote a high level of confidence within our community and maintain the professional integrity of the Department.  It is our policy to vigorously investigate and review all instances of alleged misconduct against our employees.  All investigations are conducted in a fair and efficient manner in accordance with Department, City, State, federal regulations, and collective bargaining agreements.

Protection of the Public

The public has the right to fair, efficient, and impartial law enforcement.  Any misconduct by Department personnel must first be detected, thoroughly investigated, and finally, properly adjudicated to assure the maintenance of these qualities.

Protection of the Department

The Department is often evaluated and judged by the conduct of its individual employees.  An informed public must have confidence that its police department honestly and fairly investigates and adjudicates all allegations of misconduct against its employees.

Protection of the Employees

Employees must be protected against false and misinformed allegations of misconduct.  This can only be accomplished through a consistently thorough investigative process.

Understanding the Complaint Process

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is any communication, verbal or written, conveying dissatisfaction with the performance or conduct of the Department or one or more of its members.  A complaint could also be allegations of unlawful acts by one or more members of the Department.

Who May Complain?

Any person, regardless of age, sex or nationality who witnesses or has direct knowledge of police misconduct or unlawful behavior may file a complaint with the Port Orchard Police Department.

The Port Orchard Police Department views all citizen complaints against its employees seriously.  For this reason, complaints must be based on fact.  Intentional false reporting in an attempt to unjustly subject a police employee to undeserved discipline or slander, or to place his/her employment in jeopardy, could result in criminal charges being filed and/or a civil suit by the employee involved.

How Do I File A Complaint?

Complaints may be filed in person, by US mail, or by email.

Citizen Complaint (English)

Citizen Complaint 2011 (Spanish)

Chief of Police

546 Bay St.

Port Orchard, WA  98366

Front Office :  (360) 876-1700

Communications Center:  (360) 308-5400

or email.

Please be as detailed as possible when sending an email complaint.  Anonymous complaints will be accepted; however, our ability to thoroughly investigate the complaint will be limited in those cases without evidence to substantiate the complaint.

The Investigative Process 

Once your complaint is filed, the investigation will begin.  Witnesses will be contacted, and pertinent information will be gathered.  The employee in question may be interviewed, the investigation will be reviewed by administrative personnel, and a decision made as to the disposition.  You will receive notification of the investigation’s outcome.  If you have questions about the results, there will be a listing of staff that can be contacted at the bottom of the notification.  Your cooperation in all of these elements is very important to a successful and proper investigation.

Types of Complaints

Division Level Complaints - Most complaints will be handled at the division level.  This means the officer's supervisor will complete the investigation and make recommendations to the Deputy Chief of Police.  Retraining, counseling and reprimands could result if the complaint is sustained.  Division level complaints are usually completed within 30 days, but depending on the complexity of the complaint, could take longer.

IA Complaints - Complaints of a more serious nature will be investigated by the Deputy Chief of Police or a designated outside entity.  Suspension, demotion and/or termination of the employee could result if the complaint is sustained.

Criminal Complaints - Criminal complaints will be investigated by an outside law enforcement agency, as well as a parallel investigation being conducted by the Deputy Chief of Police.  Because these complaints involve legal processes, the length of time to compete them is difficult to predict.


Sustained When the investigation discloses sufficient evidence to establish that the act occurred and that it constituted misconduct.

Not Sustained -  When the investigation discloses that there is insufficient evidence to sustain the complaint or fully exonerate the member.

Unfounded -  When the investigation discloses that the alleged acts did not occur or did not involve department members. Complaints that are determined to be frivolous will fall within the classification of unfounded.

Exonerated -  When the investigation discloses that the alleged act occurred but that the act was justified, lawful and/or proper.



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