1. Blood Drive at City Hall! April 2, 2025.
  2. Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.
  3. City Council is meeting 3/25/2025 at 6:30pm. Visit the City Council/Advisory Meeting Documents page to view the agenda packet.

Trespassing Agreement

The Port Orchard Police Department has developed a policy to deal more effectively with issues of trespassing within our city. This procedure will better meet the needs of our city’s business owners/agents and our property owners/agents.

Please see the below “Agency Agreement” form, used to enter into an Agency Agreement authorizing the Port Orchard Police Department to act as your agent in a limited capacity to enforce the trespassing statute upon your business or property. An Agency Agreement remains in effect unless/until the city is notified in writing.

If you elect to utilize this form, please do the following:

Agency Agreement

  1. Complete the Agency Agreement Form.
  2. Post the required signage on your property in locations easily seen from entrances.
  3. Deliver or mail the original copy to the Port Orchard Police Department, or
  4. Email to police@portorchardwa.gov.
  5. Retain a copy for your file.

To report trespassing person(s)

Call 9-1-1 to report unwanted or trespassing person(s). Officers are not dispatched from our business office.

With an Agency Agreement on file and the required No Trespassing signage in place, a responding officer can formally issue a Trespass Notification to unwanted or trespassing persons. Trespass Notifications are valid for one (1) year. Violators of Trespass Notifications are subject to arrest for Criminal Trespass 2nd.

Signage Requirements

No Trespass/No Loitering signs must be a minimum of 2’x3’ and made of a durable material. We suggest using .080 aluminum. The background must be white, and the lettering should be dark green or black. The “No Trespassing” and arrest statements can be printed in red if desired. They should be mounted in areas clearly visible at entrances to parking lots and structures, and should be placed in such a way to be resistant to destruction and/or vandalism.

The required language for signage is below.


  • Click here to download the Required Signage for Residential Housing PDF.
  • Click here to download the Required Signage for Business Property PDF.
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