1. City Council is meeting 10/22/2024 at 6:30pm. Click here for the agenda packet.
  2. The Transportation Committee is meeting 10/22/2024 at 4:30pm. Click here for the agenda.

Fleet Charging Stations


The City of Port Orchard desires to electrify its fleet of automobiles and light trucks over the coming decade. To achieve this objective, new charging stations are needed at facilities across the City. New charging stations are proposed at the Public Works Shop and nearby Public Works Yard. To accommodate the improvements requires reconfiguring both sites, upgrading electrical service, providing or upgrading back up power generation, and a new building at the Public Works Yard to accommodate electrical equipment. Redundancy and reliability improvements are needed to ensure operations in power outages.

The City also plans to add solar panels at the Shop building under a separate project. Solar upgrades are contingent on securing loans so that the project cost can be largely offset by energy savings.The City is also planning to provide solar and additional charging stations at City Hall, concurrent with planned renovations.

Unfortunately, there is insufficient capacity in operational budgets to pay for the needed improvements. Funding this project will ensure that this local government can demonstrate leadership address climate change by reducing harmful carbon emissions. The City is working on procuring grants funding for design and construction. $625,000 is planned for design and $1,875,000 for construction for a total estimated cost of $2,500,000. Once funding is secured, the project can be designed and permitted in one year and constructed in the following year.

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