1. City Council is meeting 2/11/25 at 6:30pm. Click here for the agenda packet.
  2. The Sewer Advisory Committee is meeting 2/11/25 at 3pm. Click here for the agenda packet.
  3. The Utilities Committee is meeting 2/11/25 at 4:30pm. Click here for the agenda packet.

Bay Street Trail Study

Bay Street Pedestrian Pathway West

Study Information

Click here to view the Bay St Pathway W-Situational Study that was presented to City Council during the October 24, 2023, City Council meeting.

The City of Port Orchard is developing a long-term vision to improve accessibility and encourage active transportation within downtown Port Orchard.

“Active transportation” is a means of getting around that is powered by human energy, primarily walking and bicycling.

The study area has bike and pedestrian accessibility challenges. Significant redevelopment work within the study area is planned in the near future, providing an excellent opportunity to improve accessibility for all.

Study Process

The project team will be studying:

  • A new active transportation pathway along the Port Orchard Waterfront west of the foot ferry terminal to Port Orchard Blvd
  • A complete street treatment for Port Orchard Blvd from Bay Street to Tremont Street to encourage active transportation usage

To learn about upcoming opportunities to get involved, sign up for email updates here.

Together, the technical analysis and public input will be used to understand existing conditions, develop alternatives, and identify a preferred alternative that meets the needs of the City of Port Orchard and the community. The goal is to provide preliminary design concepts in December 2023.

Have Questions? Contact us!

Denis Ryan, Public Works Director
dryan@portorchardwa.gov | 360.876.4991





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