road work

Road Work and Detours

The City is dedicated to providing information to citizens regarding road closures, flagging, and scheduled contractor work with location/date/times.

Please call Public Works at 360-876-4991 if you have any questions, or email


Mitchell and Lincoln Roundabout

Update: Due to the forecasted rain, the closure has been moved to September 21st.
The Lincoln Mitchel intersection will be closed Saturday September 14th starting at 7am for a daytime work shift.
A detour will be in effect to accommodate paint striping.


Lund Avenue Bridge Cleaning

Public Works will be performing bridge storm drain cleaning Thursday, September 12th and Friday, September 13th

Lund Bridge contains grates along the decking to capture storm run-off to ease our water quality efforts of Blackjack Creek.

Public Works crews will be placing traffic control to work along the outside lanes for our safety, limiting eastbound lanes on day 1 and westbound lanes on day 2 of the project.

Please drive carefully


Tremont Street Median Work

Starting Wednesday, September 11, 2024, Public Works will be performing maintenance work along the median of Tremont St. just east of the Tremont/Pottery round-a-bout. Several accidents have happened in this stretch of roadway, damaging the irrigation along this section of road. Public Works will be placing traffic control, closing off the inside lanes of the roadway for the safety of the workers while they perform the maintenance work. Traffic will be impacted moderately, so please take alternate routes, if possible. Work will consist of equipment and vehicles on the road to dispose of the dying vegetation and hopefully repair some of the irrigation.

Tremont Median Work


Bay/Bethel/Maple Roundabout

Work is scheduled for Thursday, August 29, 2024, at the Bay/Bethel/ Maple roundabout and Rockwell Avenue.

The work is to complete the majority of the final punch list items. Traffic control will be in place and the roundabout will be flagger controlled in a one way configuration.


Pottery Ave Non-Motorized Improvements Project

Construction on the City’s Pottery Ave Non-Motorized Improvements project is currently ongoing. During the week of September 16th, the work zone will be located throughout the project corridor between Tremont St W and SW Berry Lake Rd as the City’s Contractor continues placement of new curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The City is in coordination with the South Kitsap School District as school is in session and will be working with the Contractor to minimize impacts to school traffic along the corridor.

Please drive slowly and obey posted signs during construction. It is recommended to utilize alternate routes during construction. Recommended alternative routes can be found on the project’s webpage found at

Updated information will be provided throughout the duration of the project. For project inquiries, please contact the City of Port Orchard Public Works Department at 360-876-4991 or Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we construct these important non-motorized improvements along the corridor.


Traffic Notice - Marina Lift Station Project

Marina Lift Station Project

Traffic revisions are planned for the waterfront parking areas near Frederick.    Some of the parking lot to the east of Frederick will be closed and a turn around provided during the day impacting circulation of the parking lot.    Driveways will be restored each day following the work.   Work is expected to continue thru the end of May in the parking area.


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