Marina Sewer Lift Station
Demolition and Pathway Closure
Starting as early as Monday April 14th the pathway along the waterfront near the Port of Bremerton Offices will be closed for a period of two weeks. A pedestrian detour will be in place during the closure. Please refer to the attached sketch showing the detour route.
This closure is for the demolition of the old sewer equipment building that also serves as an observation deck. A new more accessible plaza viewing area is being constructed at this location.
Update: 7/1/2024
We recently posted that the work on Orchard Street as it relates to the Marina Lift Station project will be concluding towards the end of June. We wanted to clarify that although work is concluding on this specific portion of the construction footprint, work continues on other aspects of the Marina Lift Station construction project. We apologies for any misunderstanding and we thank you once again for your patience and understanding as crews work hard to complete vital improvements & upgrades to our City's infrastructure.
Construction is underway for this project. Initial work includes water main relocations/ upgrades. Orchard Street and public parking on the waterfront near Orchard Street will be closed to facilitate the work. Access to Kitsap Bank and other businesses nearby will be maintained. Construction will continue for thru Summer of 2025.
The City is upgrading the existing lifts station on the waterfront at Orchard Street. Upgrades are needed to address aging infrastructure, improve redundancy and reliability, and address future capacity needs as the City grows. The project design was coordinated with the community events center/ plaza with considerations for siting and aesthetics. The entry grade for the building is being raised to account for future sea level rise/ storm surge.