1. Blood Drive at City Hall! April 2, 2025.
  2. Spring Clean Up is April 14 through April 18, 2025.
  3. City Council is meeting 3/25/2025 at 6:30pm. Visit the City Council/Advisory Meeting Documents page to view the agenda packet.
road work

Road Work and Detours

The City is dedicated to providing information to citizens regarding road closures, flagging, and scheduled contractor work with location/date/times.

Please call Public Works at 360-876-4991 if you have any questions, or email publicworks@portorchardwa.gov.


Marina Lift Station Project

Starting as early as Monday April 14th the pathway along the waterfront near the Port of Bremerton Offices will be closed for a period of two weeks.   A pedestrian detour will be in place during the closure.   Please refer to the attached sketch showing the detour route.

This closure is for the demolition of the old sewer equipment building that also serves as an observation deck.   A new more accessible plaza viewing area is being constructed at this location.


Closure of a Portion of Harold Drive SE

Starting Tuesday, February 4th, at 8am, a portion of Harold Drive SE will be closed for replacement of a sewer main.

Due to the current inclement weather, work is expected to proceed until Friday, February 14th.



Pottery Ave Non-Motorized Improvements Project

Construction zone traffic control operations are in place throughout the corridor during the work. The City is working with the contractor to minimize traffic delays during this time.

Please drive slowly and obey posted signs during construction. It is recommended to utilize alternate routes during construction.

For project inquiries, please contact the City of Port Orchard Public Works Department at 360-876-4991 or publicworks@portorchardwa.gov. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work towards completion on this important project.

Traffic Notice - Marina Lift Station Project

Marina Lift Station Project

Traffic revisions are planned for the waterfront parking areas near Frederick.    Some of the parking lot to the east of Frederick will be closed and a turn around provided during the day impacting circulation of the parking lot.    Driveways will be restored each day following the work.   Work is expected to continue thru the end of May in the parking area.


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